FREE food options for children and families over October half term.
Testlands Support Project has been working to collate the relevant information for families requiring some support over October half term. Many businesses, charities and community spirity individuals have stepped up to support our local communities during these tough times.
The council’s COVID-19 resident’s helpline (023 8083 4800) is open Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm for practical support and information and can make referrals to food banks and other sources of support as needed.
Food banks run by Southampton City Mission and Poitiers Care are providing emergency food to eligible families at various venues around the city on different days of the week. Families need to be referred by an approved referrer, such as a social worker or health visitor, before they can access help
Below is a list of the options for families across Southampton that we have been able to collate, if there are any other options we have not been able to list, please click here and complete the form to let us know.
The options below are in Post Code order (first part only)
30 Bevois Valley Rd,
SO14 0JR
Referral needed
Packed Lunch
(Inbox on Facebook - collect next day 12:00 - 13:00
6 Middle Brook St,
SO23 8BQ
Referral needed
Lunch Bag (See more info for ordering details)